2023 Taiwan's Top 10 Web Design Companies Recommended

dateMay 02, 2023
updateJan 10, 2024
2023 Taiwan's Top 10 Web Design Companies Recommended
Image Source: Canva
2023 Taiwan web design company recommendation, find out the website design company from the search, from the establishment time, website works, website tec

Pre-Analytical Instructions

  • Search with keywords related to "website design", the scope is the first 5 pages of search results (including ADS advertisements).
  • Web design company's official website with poor texture will be excluded first .
  • Exclude web design companies established less than 10 years ago .
  • Exclude web design firms that do not provide client design work.
  • Works on the client’s website are generally poor in quality and will also be excluded .
  • Website design companies with poor reviews will also be prioritized for exclusion.
  • Focusing on website design, brand design and graphic design are no longer recommended for selection.
  • Website design companies that do not have the ability to develop programs and use free Wordpress, Wix, and Weebly will also be excluded .
  • Slow website speeds and web design companies that spend more than three seconds waiting for their website to open are also excluded.
  • It will be tested with Google tools, and the data results are all screenshots after testing by Google tools.
  • There is no good or bad order in the introduction of web design companies , please carefully evaluate the manufacturer by yourself.
  • The information in the article comes from the public information of the Commercial Department, the official website, and the Job Bank, and does not involve unpublished business information (such as: quotations, processes).
  • Try to use data to analyze objectively, but there will inevitably be some subjective opinions, please forgive me .
  • These 10 companies have been filtered and selected by design, and they are all recommended web design companies.

Web Design Company - Analysis Project

Query web design company information: including establishment time, capital amount, location, and number of employees Analysis of "Business Items": Learn about the service scope of a web design company from service items.
Analyze "Website Works" : From the website works to understand the industry familiar to the web design company.
Analyze "Website Technology" : To understand the website architecture and technology from the front-end source code of the website.
Analyze "SEO Framework" : Analyze multiple data from official website and customer website to evaluate SEO ranking ability.
Analyze "Site Cost" : From the content published on the website to analyze the cost and production.
Analyze "Managed Hosting" : The host and service provider used by the website from the data analysis.

1. Aibeisi Network Co., Ltd.

Aibeisi Network Co., Ltd.

Established: Capital in 2007:   3 million Location: Taichung City Number of employees: 22 Web design types: Packaged website design, full custom website design Other services: No Website hosting Host: Dreamcatcher Website technology: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX
SEO optimization structure: medium Website design cost: homepage customization (package version) 90,008 , full customization website design (quote according to demand)
Website design works: https://www.ibest.com.tw/work/

Design company introduction:

Founded in 2007, Abbes is a web design company with more than 15 years , The website projects I have done include many well-known companies, focusing on website design services, and do not provide marketing services or other products. The host is in cooperation with Dreamcatcher. Articles on digital marketing are well worth reading.

Website design analysis:

Judging from the website works, Aibeisi has many website works in B2C and B2B, especially in the catering industry, hotel industry... and has made many well-known restaurants and catering brands. From the perspective of business image, the website design is very in line with the market trend , the graphics and color applications are very eye-catching, and the layout of the website is simple and conforms to the RWD architecture. If you have a low budget, you can choose the template design of Aibeisi, and if you have a high budget, you can choose a fully customized website design .

Abbes' web design works

Abbes' web design works

Website PSI architecture detection

Website PSI architecture detection is to test one of the SEO architecture capabilities of web design companies making websites. This is the most preliminary test. The score on the official website of Abes is a medium score , Randomly tested the PSI of several customer websites, and they all fell into low to medium scores. , all have structured data after the test, It is a website design company with a certain foundation in SEO architecture .

Aibeisi official website PSI detection

2. Creativity Interactive Media Co., Ltd.

Creativity Interactive Media Web Design

Founded: 1999 Capital: 500,000 Location: Taichung City Number of employees: 20 Web design type: Full custom website design Other services: None Web hosting: Chunghwa Telecom, Dreamcatcher Website technology: PHP, MySQL , Javascript, jQuery, AJAX
SEO optimization structure: medium Website design cost: full custom website design (quote according to demand)
Website design works: https://www.creatop.com.tw/project

Design company introduction:

Creativity is an established web design company with more than 20 years , Only do high-quality full-custom website design The cost of website production is relatively high, but the corresponding quality can be obtained. There is no template website design. Creativity is good at making large-scale enterprise websites. There are not many shopping websites or functional websites. Marketing services are not provided. The technology used is PHP-related technologies, host manufacturers include Chunghwa Telecom and Dreamcatcher.

Website design analysis:

The strength of creativity has always been B2B corporate websites. They also have a lot of experience in ESG design for listing cabinets. The design works tend to be practical, simple, and clean. There are not many fancy animations, and the emphasis is on the effective presentation of content. The color of the website will not be deliberately eye-catching, the content is simple and the details are complete, B2B does not need to use conspicuous color and design like B2C, Creativity's design is very suitable for stable medium and large enterprises. Enterprises with higher budgets can find Creativity for web design .

Creative Web Design Works
creative website design

Website PSI Architecture Test

Creativity official website test falls in the middle score, Randomly select several customers in the test and all fall in the low-scoring position , The structured data test also saw related codes, and a certain degree of embedding in the structure of SEO. For corporate websites that do not need to implement SEO, low PSI scores have no effect. But if you want to perform SEO, you may need further website architecture optimization .

Website PSI architecture detection

3. Da Vinci Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

Da Vinci Digital Technology official website

Established: 2005 Capital: 2 million Location: Taichung City Number of employees: 25 Web design types: Template website design, full-custom website design Other services: SEO ranking, ADS proxy operation, online audio and video, information security Service website hosting host: Google GCP, Chunghwa Telecom Website technology: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX
SEO optimization architecture: Excellent
Website design fee: 60,000 yuan for template design , full custom design quotation according to demand Website design works: https://www.da-vinci.com.tw/tw/work

Design company introduction:

Da Vinci is a web design company with 18 years of experience. It can produce high-ranking websites. It is a web design company with both design quality and website performance. , providing people-friendly layout plan and full-custom website design, you can choose the design method according to the budget, with a complete SEO structure, Da Vinci also has SEO ranking, ADS keyword operation, online audio-visual website, information security service, The website BLOG provides many knowledge articles on website design and SEO, Their forte is website design and SEO integration , CMS (website background) is fully embedded with SEO mechanism, The website also has multi-lingual automatic translation, which is very suitable for enterprises to expand their business abroad .

Website design analysis:

Da Vinci's website design works are more diverse, and there are cases in various industries, and it has done many listed companies The design direction of many website design companies is similar. They also follow a clean, simple, and refreshing design. There are no fancy animation effects. It may be related to the website’s compliance with the SEO structure. The quality of the website design is stable, whether it is color, pictures, or details. Pretty complete.

Da Vinci's web design works
Da Vinci's website design works

Website PSI architecture test:

The official website PSI test score reached 91 points, and the user experience also got six green lights , randomly tested three customer websites, and all of them scored above the middle level. If you want to perform SEO ranking, it is highly recommended to use a website designed by Da Vinci , It can meet the standards of SEO architecture and website design at the same time.

Da Vinci Digital Technology official website psi test

4. Julu Technology Web Design Company

The official website of Julu Technology

Founded: 2005 Capital: 5 million Location: Tainan City Number of employees: 30 Web design type: Full-custom website design Other services: No Web hosting Host: Chunghwa Telecom Website technology: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery , AJAX
SEO optimization structure: Medium Website design cost: Full custom design Quote according to demand Website design work: https://www.grnet.com.tw/design-case

Design company introduction:

Julu Technology was established in 2005 and has been established for 18 years. It is from Tainan City. Like the above web design companies, it is a very experienced design company. Julu Technology does not provide template websites, but only focuses on high-quality customized websites. There are also customized shopping websites that provide a variety of financial logistics connections. The design and technology of the website are very mature. The company has produced thousands of websites and is a very trustworthy web company.

Website design analysis:

There are many kinds of design works, covering every industry. From brand websites, shopping websites, corporate websites, and event websites, we can see well-known companies , the design direction is more mobile-oriented. The blocks used are larger full-page, less text, and larger pictures, which is in line with the trend of high mobile phone usage. The design, color, and layout have a commercial atmosphere, and there is no The use of complex animation effects requires the combination of the website and the corporate brand image. Julu Technology is definitely a recommended website design company.
Ju Lu's web design works
Ju Lu's web design works

Website PSI architecture test:

Julu’s official website’s PSI test is a low-to-medium score, and the three customer websites randomly tested all got low scores. The structure is seen in the test of structured data, and less SEO structure is placed in the random test of the customer website , has no effect on websites that do not do SEO, If you want to implement SEO, you need to further optimize the structure .

PSI test of Julu Technology official website

5. Ward Design Co., Ltd. (Milo)

Ward website design company's official website

Established: 2007 Capital: 5 million Location: Taichung Number of employees: 50 Types of web design: template website design, full-custom website design Other services: community advertising agency, ADS agency, brand consultant, Video Production Website Hosting Host: Chunghwa Telecom Website Technology: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX
SEO optimization structure: Medium Website design fee: 60,000 yuan for template design , full custom design Quote according to demand Website design works: https://www.world-d.tw/work_list.php

Design company introduction:

The predecessor was Ward Design Studio, which only made full-customized websites at the beginning. In 2011, it established Milo Technology and began to increase the layout of website design. Luren marketing, spanning brand (graphic design), image design, advertising marketing (ADS/community/other), Ward has been a design company with stable website design quality since before. If the budget is high enough, you can find Ward, and if you have a small budget, you can find Milo. , like the previous four companies, are website design companies with more than 15 years of experience. It has definitely passed the test of the market to be active for so many years.

Website design analysis:

The quality of Ward's design is absolutely unquestionable in the website design market. It is like appreciating a work of art in terms of layout and design configuration , using a lot of website animation effects to make the plane have a three-dimensional effect, and cleverly designed a lot of ingenuity in the overall configuration. There are many well-known companies in the customer website, and the proportion of B2B and B2C is similar. There are also shopping website construction , the performance of the SEO structure is considered average, some SEO details are not seen, but most of them are not bad, if you want more animation on the website, showing the uniqueness of the brand, it is highly recommended to find Ward to design and build the website.

Ward's web design portfolio
Ward's web design portfolio

Website PSI architecture test:

Ward's official website architecture test, got a medium score, and randomly tested several customers also got a medium score, The performance in the SEO architecture test is quite satisfactory, coupled with the high-quality web design, it is a web design company worth recommending to everyone.

PSI Test by Ward Website Design Company

6. Cloud Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

The official website of the cloud website design company

Established: 2008 Capital: 1 million Location: Taichung City Number of employees: 32 Web design type: Full-custom website design Other services: brand design, copywriting planning Website hosting host: Linode
Website technology: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX
SEO optimization structure: low website design cost: full customization according to demand website design works: https://minmax.tw/works

Design company introduction:

Cloud Design is also a full-custom website design company with more than 15 years of experience. It specializes in building high-quality websites, as well as brand design and shopping website design. It has produced many listed companies and large enterprises. The set customer groups are more biased. For companies with multiple budgets, the main service of cloud design is customized website design, as well as photography and copywriting related services.

Website design analysis:

When you enter the homepage of the official website designed in the cloud, you will be attracted by the website effect, and there will be many transition effects when you scroll the mouse , the works are all well-known corporate websites. In addition to the texture of the design, a large number of animation effects are added to make the website very vivid. In terms of the performance of the SEO structure, because of the large number of animation effects, the PSI test cannot get a good score. It will reduce the performance of the website and affect the user experience , but if in order to present the brand creativity and effect, and the brand is already well-known and does not need to do SEO, then it will have no impact. Enterprises that need high-quality website design and have a high budget are very suitable to recommend to you a web design company .

Web Design Works in the Cloud

Web Design Works in the Cloud

Website PSI architecture test:

The PSI test on the cloud official website got a lower score, Using a lot of animation effects will reduce the performance of the website, and the PSI will also be affected , but if there is no need to implement SEO, or if it is an industry with low competition, the website structure does not have much influence, However, if it is a high-competition SEO international marketing and high-competition industry, a high-efficiency website structure is required, and redundant front-end structures and animations must be discarded.

PSI test of cloud digital official website

7. Weide Digital Design Co., Ltd.

The official website of Wade Design

Established: 2005 Capital: 1 million Location: Taichung City Number of employees: 24 Web design type: Full-custom website design Other services: brand design, APP development, strategy consultant Website hosting host: Chunghwa Telecom Website technology: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX
SEO optimization structure: Medium Website design fee: Full custom design Quote according to demand Website design works: https://www.wddgroup.com/webdesign/

Design company introduction:

Wade Digital is also a website design company with more than 18 years , has been in the website design market for so many years, and still insists on fully customizing the website. In recent years, he has joined the APP development and strategy consultant to make the company's services more diverse.

Website design analysis:

Weide's website design style is not only simple, but extremely simple. The simpler the design, the more it needs the background , the minimalist design and transition effects make the website fun to browse, and the creative effect is like visiting a novel paradise. If you need creativity and effects to highlight the brand value, and you like the minimalist style, then Widler Design is undoubtedly the best choice , but minimalism is not without its shortcomings. Under the SEO that pays attention to performance and content, Minimalism and dazzling animation are both SEO killers, one is better than the other, it depends on whether the company needs to implement SEO .

Wade's web design works
Wade's web design works

Website PSI architecture test:

The elements on the homepage are only minimalist graphics and text, so I got a very good website structure score, but the website content is too small and may not meet the SEO ranking conditions , randomly tested several client websites with a lot of content, and all got low PSI scores.

The minimalist architecture can get high marks in terms of performance
Weed's Website PSI Test

8. Haitang Design Co., Ltd.

Haitang website design company's official website

Established: 2005 Capital: 20 million Location: Taipei Number of employees: 42 Web design type: Full-custom website design Other services: system development, interface design, data analysis, brand strategy Web hosting: Azure, GCP
Website technology: ASP.NET, C#, MS-SQL, JavaScript, AJAX
SEO optimization structure: low Web site design cost: full custom design quotes on demand Web site design works: https://begonia-design.com.tw/work/branding

Design company introduction:

Established in 2005, an established web design company, has successively provided services other than website design, such as data and market analysis, digital transformation services, APP development..., Haitang Design is a multi-faceted digital design company , The animation effect of website design is used a lot, and the works have many well-known brands, Wangdao Bank, Sakura Shopping Website, DFI....

Website design analysis:

A large number of transition animations are used in the website design. The appearance of the website is very gorgeous, and the color matching of the customer's works is very coordinated, which is very suitable for commercial website design. We have seen very creative designs in many client works. The design styles are diverse and the design quality is very stable. It is a very mature web design company. .

Begonia's web design works
Begonia's web design works

Website PSI architecture test:

It is normal for the website architecture to get a lower score after testing, because animation is a program that consumes a lot of resources. Web design companies that use a lot of animations have to face the problem of website performance being dragged down , The other three data are all good, but the efficiency cannot get a high score, which will also affect SEO , randomly tested several customers and got similar low score results, If you need to implement SEO, you need to optimize the structure .

PSIhk4g4 from Begonia official website

9. Baiyue International Co., Ltd. (Xia Mule)

Xia Mule's official web design website

Established: 1984 Capital: 5 million Location: Taipei Number of employees: 15 Web design types: full-custom website design, layout website,
Other Services: System Development, Brand Design, APP Development Website Hosting Host: Linode
Website technology: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX
SEO optimization structure: Medium Website design fee: Full custom design Quotation based on demand Website design works: https://simular.co/portfolio/list

Design company introduction:

Baiyue International was established in 1984. It is a company with a history of 39 years. Xia Mule is one of Baiyue's design brands. It focuses on brand and web design, and has very rich experience in large-scale website design and development. Xia Mule focuses on providing stable and high-quality websites and brand strategies for enterprises, and continues to pursue better design styles, hoping to bring world-class website and system development works in China.

Website design analysis:

Xia Mule's website design style belongs to the highly commercial and eye-catching type, with bold colors and mainstream design trends , has a sense of integrity in the presentation of the overall design, the speed and experience of the website are very good, and the works it has done also cover B2C and B2B. It is a multi-dimensional web design company. There are also system development services that can help with the construction and integration of some systems other than the website .

Xia Mule's website design works

Xia Mule's website design works

Website PSI architecture test:

The PSI test result is a medium score. Randomly tested the PSI and structured data of the customer website "Liufu Village" and "QSheng Automobile Group", and got a low to medium result. Testing structured data is in the state of not putting in a complete SEO architecture, which will have a partial impact on the website that needs to implement SEO. If SEO is not implemented, the impact will not be great . If you want to implement SEO, you have to optimize the website structure in detail .

Xia Mule's official website PSI test

10. Skysilicon Technology Co., Ltd.

Tianxi website design company's official website

Founded: 1997 Capital: 6 million Location: Taipei Number of employees: 35 Web design type: Full-custom website design Other services: system development, system integration Web hosting: SaveCom
Website technology: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX
SEO optimization structure: low Web site design cost: full custom design Quotation based on demand Web site design works: https://www.tsg.com.tw/new.htm

Design company introduction:

Founded in 1996, Tiansi Technology is a 27-year-old company that provides a full range of web design solutions , from demand interviews, front-end and back-end interface design, program development, system connection and integration, all in one hand. Currently, it has served more than 2,500 companies and has rich experience in building websites in various industries. , also provides system development and integration other than website design, can help customers complete online system construction .

Website design analysis:

Tianxi website design is in a pragmatic design direction. The overall design is quite satisfactory, with diverse styles, content design is elegant, and the website speed is quite fast. Some emphasize the information security service of the website, and it is one of the few that specifically mentions the implementation of information security. design company, It also provides customized website function design services. It is a website design company that combines technology and design. It is recommended to you who need customized website design.

Tianxi's web design works

Tianxi's web design works

Website PSI architecture test:

The PSI test result of the official website is 37 points, which is a low score. There are structured data in the additional test, and they get medium scores in accessibility and SEO. Randomly tested several customer websites and got similar results. In terms of structure The performance on the website is a bit behind other website design companies. If you want to implement SEO, you need to make more detailed website structure adjustments, and put more structural grammar into the website .

Tiansi's psi test

Web Design Company - Analysis Summary

Among the 10 recommended web design companies, there are 3 in Taipei City, 6 in Taichung City, and 1 in Tainan City. These 10 web design companies are all over 10 years old, Baiyue even has a history of 39 years, and 10 All website design companies provide fully customized website design services, among which Aibeisi, Da Vinci, Ward, and Baiyue also provide low-cost template website design, and seven web design companies have their websites tuned to Above average score, Randomly test the structure of the customer's website, and the website built by Da Vinci has a relatively high score and the best SEO website optimization , if we talk about the quality and style of website design, these 10 websites all have their own design concepts, and all of them have received website design projects from listed companies. Take a look at the website works, website structure, website speed, design services, design costs... If the website wants to implement SEO, it is necessary to pay attention to the performance of the website structure and the PSI score in order to make the SEO effect of the website more obvious .

Web Design Company Comparison
web design company custom design Template design Official website structure customer architecture design fee site speed
Abbes V V middle low - medium middle-high quick
creativity V middle Low high quick
Da Vinci V V high middle - high low-high quick
Ju Lu V middle Low high quick
Ward V V middle middle low-high quick
cloud digital V Low Low high quick
Wade Digital V high Low high quick
crabapple V Low Low high quick
Baiyue International V V middle low - medium low-high quick
Tiansi Technology V Low Low high quick

(This article is owned by Darek, reprinting of pictures and texts is prohibited)

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